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Discover New Ways to Be Intimate With Your Partner

Meet the relationship app helping couples discover intimacy
by Paired

Intimacy — defined as closeness, togetherness, or affinity — is one of the most important aspects of romantic relationships. No matter how long you’ve been together, it's always important to keep discovering new ways to be intimate with your partner. Most people will think of sex when they hear the word “intimacy”, but while sex is definitely an aspect of intimacy that shouldn’t be ignored, there are other forms of intimacy that can be explored. Luckily, there’s an app for that. Paired will not only help you and your partner discover new paths of intimacy to explore together but also strengthen the forms of intimacy you’ve already chosen.

Paired is the number one relationship app for couples built to help you discover new forms of intimacy with your partner every day. The Paired app offers daily questions, quizzes, games, and relationship advice written by world-renowned therapists and academics — all proven to help couples continue to explore their intimacy.

🌟 Apple App of the Day, November 2022

🗞️ Featured in CNN, BBC News, The Times, and more

4.7 50K+ Ratings on the Apple App Store

Want to know how? Here are three ways Paired will help you discover new ways to be intimate with your partner.

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Paired helps partners discover new sexual fantasies and desires

Part of a healthy sex life is communicating your desires and being open to your partner's needs. A couple’s sex life can constantly be explored, and Paired helps couples discover and communicate their untold desires and fantasies

It could be that you or your partner are too reserved to share that fantasy, or maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to try but unsure how to bring it up. Being able to share these thoughts and finally experiencing them together can be the cornerstone of new levels of intimacy. 

The Paired app opens up the conversation about sex and intimacy, offering a curated selection of quizzes, questions, and expert advice to help you start a conversation about your sex life. Research by the Open University found that 8 out of 10 couples felt more comfortable discussing their sex life together after using the Paired app consistently. 

Don’t know where to start? Take Paired's “Conversations for Better Sex” question pack or complete the “Talking About Pleasure” exercise for better intimacy with your partner!

Ready to connect with your partner everyday?
an answered paired daily question

Paired creates emotional intimacy on an all new level

Sharing our deepest fears or allowing our partner to see our vulnerability will build a closeness and intimacy you may not have experienced yet.

While physical intimacy is an important aspect of romantic partnerships, fostering emotional intimacy is just as important. Each day, the Paired app brings to light a variety of topics that all couples face at some point or another and helps you connect more deeply with your partner.  In turn, this helps couples build a sense of security, trust, and vulnerability in their relationship. 

Look beyond the typical forms of physical intimacy using Paired just five minutes a day! Using the Paired app will allow you to discover new forms of emotional intimacy by helping couples explore their emotions together. In fact, 98% of couples strongly agreed the Paired app helped them feel more emotionally connected with their partner. 

“I love this app! It has helped me and my husband be able to openly talk about difficult topics in a healthy way” ★★★★★ Play Store Review June 2021

Paired unlocks new forms of intimacy couples have never considered

We’ve touched on new forms of physical and emotional Intimacy and established that intimacy can be discovered in various places and ways. Love languages are just another avenue to explore. Paired helps you learn more about your partner and what they need. With the Paired app you also have access to a wide library of couple games, relationship quizzes, and exercises written by experts to help you get to know your partner better.

You’ll learn if your partner needs words of affirmation, they'll learn that you may need quality time, or you both might need more physical touch. Regardless, learning your partner’s love language can foster a new level of closeness and intimacy that Paired will help you discover. 

Ready to discover new ways to be intimate with your partner? Download Paired today for a 7-day free trial.

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