75 Love Letters for Him to Touch His Heart

How to write a letter to your boyfriend to make him cry?
on May 10, 2024
Read time: 10 mins

Have you ever received a love letter? 

While it’s more commonplace for women to receive love letters or notes from their partners, these welcome words of appreciation often aren’t reciprocated. So, are love letters for him just as important? 

We certainly think so. 

Instead of a throwaway text, sit down and craft the perfect love letter for your husband, partner, or boyfriend with our love letter starter kit. 

What is a romantic love letter?

Within this social media generation, the concept of a love letter might seem very far-fetched. Why can’t you just send a sexy text message or simply slide into their DM’s? 

Well, when you want to express your true feelings for your soulmate and best friend, the beauty and significance of a love letter can’t be understated. While old ideals might say that love letters are more for women than men, we would push back against this concept — as everyone deserves to feel loved and appreciated! 

Love letters are especially significant if your partner’s love language is words of affirmation, with a heartfelt love letter acting as a precious gift and sincere token of your affection. 

How can I make my love letter to him stand out?

Crafting the perfect love note for your true love is all about personalizing your words to your epic love story. 

To make it stand out, ensure that you convey your deepest feelings in a way that makes your partner feel safe, secure, and appreciated. Depending on your chosen approach, you could phrase it as a thank you for their unwavering support, as an opportunity to express all the little things you love about them, or as an avenue to explore the possibilities of your future together. 

Extra special touches such as adding photos, the smell of your perfume, or even a handmade element, can really help your love letter stand out. 

What are the key elements to include in a love letter to him?

  1. Start strong: Begin your love letter by addressing it to your partner in a way that’s personal to them. For example, you could address them as ‘my dearest’, ‘my darling’, or ‘my beloved’ followed by their name. Or you could simply start with ‘to the love of my life’ for a strong start!

  2. Focus on feelings: When you’re crafting your love message, the focus should be on your strong feelings for your partner. Don’t be afraid to say I love you or how you’ve never felt this way before!

  3. Detail your love story: A love letter provides the perfect opportunity to walk down memory lane! Write about how you have walked through this tricky thing called life hand in hand with them, and include little details about your love story (humor helps too!) 

  4. Compliments: What’s a love letter without a healthy heap of compliments? Tell your loved one how much you love the sound of their voice, or what aspects of their personality are most special to you. 

  5. Authentic: Rather than quoting from a book or stealing all your lines from people like us (!!), ensure that your love letter is authentic to you and your partner above all. Sprinkle it with little details about your love affair, so when they’re reading it, they know it really came from the heart. 

  6. Promises: To bring your love letter to fairy tale status, it’s important to include promises about your intentions for your life together. Love letters can be a wonderful vehicle for reassurance, with promises making your partner feel loved and secure. 

  7. End on the future: As you sign off your love letter, make sure you end on a positive note! For example, you can close with a phrase such as “all my love” or “all my heart” before your name, or you end with a strong statement such as “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you”.

What is the best love letter for your partner? 

Sitting down to write the perfect love letter to him doesn’t have to be a solo sport. While we can’t pick up the pen for you, we don’t think there’s any harm in giving you a place to start!

So, buckle up and grab the tissues, because we’ve crafted an array of romantic love letters for him that will help you put all of your deepest feelings into words. 

As you try to capture your love story authentically, feel free to mix and match our lofty sentiments until you find the words that truly fit!

Deep short love letters for him 

  1. To my greatest confidante and best friend, I wanted to write you a quick note to showcase my appreciation for you. With everything going on in my life, you have been by my side every step of the way and I honestly could not have done it without you. You are my rock and my greatest cheerleader, and I have no idea what I have done in this life to deserve you. I can’t wait to see what the future holds because I know I have you by my side. Love from the bottom of my heart, [Your Name]. 

  2. To my sweetheart, would you look at us? When I first met you, I never could have imagined the life we have built together today. I can’t believe how far we’ve come and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. You’re my missing puzzle piece and I will be grateful every day that we have found each other. Love, [Your Name]. 

  3. My darling [His Name], what a rollercoaster we have been on together. Even though we have our ups and downs, I want you to know that my feelings for you have never wavered. I am honored to walk in this life with you by my side and genuinely consider myself to be one of the luckiest girls in the world. You’re my missing piece and my greatest friend, we’ve got this. I love you, [Your Name]

  4. To my love, I thought it was about time that I wrote you a love letter after all of the wonderful things you have crafted me over the years. I realize that even though I think about it every day, I may not express my unwavering feelings for you enough. So, I want you to hold this letter and know how much I truly love, appreciate, and respect you every step of the way. Loving you has been without a doubt, my greatest achievement in this life, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me and you. You’re it, baby. I love you. 

  5. Every Valentine’s Day and anniversary, you craft the most perfect card and love note for me — so I decided that it was time to return the favor with a love letter of my own. My dear [His Name], I can’t express how much you mean to me or how much I value your role in my life. From belly laughing to crying into your chest, you really are there for me every step of the way. With every passing day, I’m honored to get to know you more and discover more about the many facets of your character. I won the lotto with you, and boy do I know it. 

  6. My dearest [His Name]. As I sit down to write this letter, I'm overwhelmed with unbelievable gratitude for having you in my life. Through every twist and turn, you've remained my steadfast companion and unwavering support. You're the anchor in my stormy seas, and I cherish every moment we spend together. Whether it’s wrapped up on the couch or out exploring the world, there’s nowhere I’d rather be.  Here's to many more adventures together. With all my love and affection, [Your Name]

  7. To my beloved [His Name], reflecting on our journey together fills my heart with undeniable joy. From the moment our paths intertwined, I knew I had found something truly special. Your love has illuminated my darkest days and lifted me to greater heights with every day we spent together. I am endlessly grateful to have found someone like you, and I vow to never stop telling you how much you mean to me. Forever yours, [Your Name]. 

  8. My darling [His Name]. On the day of our anniversary, I want to take the opportunity to express the depth of my affection for you. You are the melody to my song, the sunshine in my sky. With each passing day, my love for you only grows stronger. Thank you for being my constant source of happiness, hope, and inspiration.With all my heart, [Your Name]

  9. To the love of my life, words fail to capture the depth of my love for you. You are my soulmate, my partner-in-crime, and my greatest blessing. Together, we've weathered storms and basked in the warmth of love's embrace. I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life. Yours always, [Your Name]. 

  10. My dear [His Name], as I pen these words, my heart swells with affection for you. Your love has transformed my world in ways I never thought possible. With you by my side, I feel truly unstoppable. Here's to a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless adventures together. With all my love, [Your Name].

  11. To my soulmate, how I dreamed of finding you. As we embark on the next chapter of our lives together, I often find myself marveling at the beauty of our love story. You've shown me the true meaning of unconditional love and unwavering support. With you, I feel seen, heard, and cherished. Thank you for being my rock, my partner, and my best friend. Forever and always, [Your Name].

  12. My sweet [His Name], Today, I want to remind you of the profound impact you've had on my life. Your love has filled my days with warmth and my heart with contentment. I am endlessly grateful for your presence in my life and for the love we share. With all my heart, [Your Name]

  13. To my beloved, as I sit down to write this letter, I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude for you. You are my comfort, my joy, and my greatest adventure. Thank you for being the light that guides me through life's journey. With all my love, [Your Name]. 

  14. My dearest [His Name], with every beat of my heart, I am reminded of the depth of my love for you. You are my everything — my confidant, my partner, and my best friend. Thank you for filling my life with laughter, love, and endless happiness. Forever yours, [Your Name]

  15. To my one true love, as I write these words, I am filled with overwhelming gratitude for having you in my life. I am truly blessed to call you mine. With all my love, [Your Name]

Deep emotional love letters for him 

  1. My love, this is going to be an emotional one. I know that we often laugh and joke about the depth of our feelings for one another, but today, I find no room for a laughing matter. Through all our ups and downs, moody mornings, and trivial tiffs, I still find another reason to love you every single day. The sound of your voice is of instant comfort to me, and I never feel as safe as when I am in your arms. Life without you? It’s not worth thinking about. I may not say it enough, but I adore every aspect of you and our life together. I love you forever, [Your Name]. 

  2. My darling [His Name], I know I’m not always good at expressing my emotions, but for you, I am determined to try. Every day that you’re by my side feels easy, natural, and safe. You’re my perfect fit and the man of my dreams. I never thought that I’d deserve someone like you, but here you are, right by my side. I must have done something right. It’s me and you against the world, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Love, [Your Name]. 

  3. To my one true love, this is the episode where you have to run for the tissues. Although you often praise my sense of humor, today I want to talk about you in a way that I’ve been too shy to express. You know I love you, but do you know how much? I love the way you butter both sides of your toast, how you stand up for your friends at every opportunity, your love for your family, and perhaps above all, I love the way you look at me. Life with you is an endless movie scene, and I am grateful to take part. I yearn for you every day and feel blessed to have you in my life. Here’s to you, [Your Name]. 

  4. Sweetheart, I know that I am usually the crier in our relationship but with this love letter, I’m fairly confident that I can reverse those roles. This one is for you. The person who makes me feel like I’ve won the lottery every single day. The man who has shown me that true love really does exist. The one who has proven to me that love really is all it’s made out to be. What a lucky girl I am. What a happy life we lead. You are my lobster. There’s no letting go now. Love, [Your Name]. 

  5. To my lover, I know that every love letter I’ve written to you has been filled with funny and sexy references to our exciting life together. Today, I want to peel back another side of our relationship. The side of you that makes me feel safe, secure, and truly grateful to live on this earth because you’re in it. I thought that relationships would be tough, or that one day our fairytale would be bitten by reality. But not with you. You truly make my life worth living. I will try every day to do the same for you. Love, [Your Name]. 

  6. [His Name], as I sit here on the other side of the world, I wanted to write you a love letter to show you how much I truly love you. Sending you another ‘I miss you’ text just wouldn’t suffice I’m afraid. Do you know what keeps me going when we’re apart? The thought of us together. That’s as simple as it is, because you truly are my everything. My reason for existing on this earth, the reason I get up every morning, and the reason that I try to be my best self every single day. It’s you darling. Or more importantly, it’s you and me. See you soon my love, [Your Name]. 

  7. My love, As I pour my heart onto this page, I am overcome with a flood of emotions. Words alone cannot convey the depth of my love for you, but I will do my best! Darling [His Name], in your arms, I have found solace and sanctuary. You are my anchor in the storm, my steady hand in turbulent seas. Through every trial and triumph, your unwavering presence has been my greatest comfort. 

  8. To my soulmate, this letter is a testament to the power of our love. It transcends time and space, binding us together in a bond that defies comprehension. With each passing moment, my love for you only grows stronger, deeper, and more profound. 

  9. Sweetheart, as I embark on this journey of vulnerability, I invite you to join me in the depths of my heart. Let us explore the intricacies of our love, the highs and lows, the laughter and tears. By embracing our vulnerabilities, we strengthen the foundation of our connection. With all the love in my heart, [Your Name]

  10. My darling [His Name], Today, I embark on a journey of emotional vulnerability, guided by the unwavering beacon of your love. Though I may stumble and falter along the way, I take solace in the knowledge that you are by my side, holding my hand through every twist and turn. 

  11. To my beloved, I confess that I am not always adept at expressing my emotions. But for you, I am willing to lay bare the depths of my soul, to expose the raw essence of my being. You are my inspiration, my muse, my guiding light in a world shrouded in darkness. Love, [Your Name]. 

  12. My one true love, this letter is an ode to the countless moments we have shared, the memories we have created, and the love we have cultivated. With each passing day, I am reminded of the sheer magnitude of my affection for you, a love that knows no bounds, no limits, no end. Your forever love, [Your Name]. 

  13. Sweetheart, as I pen these words, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the gift of your love. You are my rock, my sanctuary, my everything. Together, we are unstoppable, invincible, eternal. Forever and always, [Your Name]

  14. To my beloved [His Name], As I embark on this journey of emotional introspection, I am acutely aware of the gravity of my words. For too long, I have hidden behind a facade of humor and levity, masking the depth of my true feelings. But today, I stand before you with an open heart, ready to lay bare the raw emotions that lie within. 

  15. Darling, this letter is an offering of my most vulnerable self, a testament to the depth of my affection for you. You are my confidant, my partner-in-crime, my soulmate. Together, we have weathered storms and danced in the rain, forging a bond that is unbreakable, unshakeable, and eternal. You are my forever love, my heart, my home. And with you by my side, I am whole. With all my love, [Your Name].

Short love letters for him

  1. Just like me, I wanted to make this love letter short & sweet! While I’m not always the best at expressing myself, I hope you know how much you truly mean to me. I can’t imagine a day on this earth without you, and I hope I never have to. I love you, [Your Name]. 

  2. Good morning my love, I wanted to leave you a sweet love letter to start your day off right. As you head into your day, remember how much I love you, support you, and cherish our time together. You got this baby, see you later. 

  3. My love, I wanted to hide this little love note somewhere you might not expect to find it! I want you to know how much I love you, and how lucky I am to have you in my life. I hope this brings a smile to your face, and it will cheer me up to know I have caused it. See you soon, [Your Name]. 

  4. Hey honey ,I know I'm not always great with words, but I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much you mean to me. You are the sunshine in my darkest days, the laughter in my soul. I love you more than words can express. Always yours, [Your Name]. 

  5. Sweetheart,I hope this note finds you well and brings a smile to your face. Just a little reminder that you are loved more than you'll ever know. Your presence in my life is a gift I cherish every single day. Here's to us, and to many more beautiful moments together. Love always, [Your Name]. 

  6. Hey babe, just a quick note to say how much I appreciate you. Your love lights up my world in ways I never thought possible. I am blessed to call you mine, and I cherish every moment we share together. Here's to many more adventures with you.Love you always, [Your Name]. 

  7. My love, As I write this, my heart overflows with love for you. You are my rock, my anchor, my everything. Your love has brought meaning and purpose to my life in ways I never imagined. Thank you for being my guiding light.Forever and always, [Your Name]. 

  8. Hey love, Just wanted to send a little love your way. Your presence in my life brings me so much joy and happiness. I am so grateful to have you by my side, through thick and thin. Here's to a lifetime of love and laughter together.With all my heart, [Your Name].

  9. My sweetheart,I hope this message finds you well and fills your heart with warmth. You are the most amazing person I've ever known, and I feel so lucky to have you in my life. Here's to many more adventures together.Love you endlessly, [Your Name]. 

  10. Hey there,Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate you. Your love is like a ray of sunshine in my life, warming my heart and soul. I am so grateful for your presence in my life, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.Love you bunches, [Your Name]. 

  11. My darling,I know I don't say it often enough, but you mean the world to me. Your love fills my heart with joy and gratitude every single day. I am so lucky to have you by my side, and I cherish every moment we share together. Here's to us. Forever and always, [Your Name]. 

  12. My love, As I sit here thinking of you, I am filled with overwhelming gratitude for your presence in my life. Your love is like a guiding star, leading me through life's ups and downs. I am so blessed to have you by my side. With all my love, [Your Name]. 

  13. My darling [His Name], every day that I am with you, I consider myself as the luckiest girl in the world. The moment I see your face in the morning, to our last kiss at night — I would be lost without you. To me and you, [Your Name]. 

  14. Dear [His Name], thank you for showing me the meaning of true love. I will thank you every day of our forever. Love, [Your Name]. 

  15. My love, as I sit down to write this letter to you, I’ve never been more sure of one thing. We belong together. I feel it in my bones and in my soul. You’re it. 

Flirty love letters for him 

  1. Hey there, hot stuff,Just wanted to send a little love note your way. Thinking about you makes me feel all kinds of naughty thoughts. Can't wait to see you and make some sparks fly. Xoxo,[Your Name]

  2. My sexy man, I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much you turn me on. Every time I see you, I can't help but think about all the naughty things I want to do to you. Can't wait to explore every inch of your body.With lust and desire, [Your Name]

  3. Hey love, I've been thinking about you all day, and let's just say my thoughts have been anything but innocent. I might be your angel, but want to take a trip to some place hotter? Meet me later xx

  4. My handsome, just wanted to drop you a little love note to let you know how much I crave your touch. Your hands on my skin send shivers down my spine and make me weak in the knees. Come find me in our favorite spot later… Love, [Your Name]. 

  5. Hey there baby, I hope you're ready for the night of your dreams. Just thinking about your strong arms wrapped around me makes me want to skip dinner and head straight to dessert. What do you say? Yours eagerly, [Your Name]

  6. My sexy beast,Just wanted to remind you how irresistible you are to me. Your charm, your wit, your everything drives me absolutely wild. What are we waiting for? Love, [Your Name]. 

  7. Hey babe, I hope you're ready for a night of fun because I've got some naughty plans in mind. Your body, your touch, your everything makes me feel alive in ways I never thought possible. Let's make some memories we'll never forget. Love, [Your Name]. 

  8. Just thinking about your lips on mine sends shivers down my spine. Let's make tonight one to remember. Come find me xx 

  9. My love, I tried to write a naughty limerick to get you in the mood, but it ended up turning me on so much I couldn’t wait. Come find me in our favorite place to see what I had in mind. 

  10. Darling, I had a dream about you last night and I’m dying to recreate it. Want to help me try? 

  11. Baby, have you checked the Paired app today? Your answers to that game DID things to me, and I’ve never been more excited to see you. Counting down the minutes my love. 

  12. To my one true love, I like to think of us as the ultimate power couple. We’re good at the talking, the walking, and the … well you can guess where I’m going with this. Can’t wait for our next round xx

  13. Hi baby, I wanted to leave you a little note too, and hope it might lead you to me. Roses are red, violets are blue, open the door, I’m waiting for you. 

  14. Hey sweetie, there’s three things on my mind right now and I wanted to let you know. 1. You. 2. You. 3. Me & You. 

  15. Hey honey, I thought my usual ‘I love you’ messages needed a spicier update. How about ‘I want you’... Right now. 

Why I love you letters for him

  1. My love, I don’t think I will ever tire of listing all the reasons why I love you. But here is just one for today. One of the things that first drew me to you was your brilliant mind. The way you engage with ideas, your thirst for knowledge, and your ability to see the world in a unique light continually captivate me. What I’d do to see the world through your eyes. I adore you inside and out my love. Your not so secret admirer, [Your Name]. 

  2. My darling, your ability to make me laugh, even in the darkest of times, is a gift I cherish every day. Whether it's your quick wit, your silly jokes, or your infectious laughter, you have a way of brightening my world like no one else can. I can’t wait to spend my life laughing with you, [Your Name]. 

  3. As I sit down to write this letter, my heart overflows with love for you. The way you treat others with empathy and understanding, the way you always go out of your way to help those in need, it's truly inspiring. Your gentle heart and generous spirit make the world a brighter, more beautiful place, and I feel so fortunate to be by your side. How lucky am I, [Your Name]. 

  4. My darling, in these tough times you never fail to amaze me. Your courage in the face of challenges, your determination to overcome obstacles, it's truly awe-inspiring. You have faced hardships with grace and dignity, and you continue to inspire me every day with your resilience. Your inner strength is a beacon of hope and inspiration for me, and it's just one of the many reasons why I love you with all my heart.

  5. Darling, from the moment we met, you have been my biggest cheerleader, always there to lift me up and remind me of my worth. Your belief in me, your faith in my abilities, it's been a guiding light in my life. You have stood by my side through thick and thin, offering a steady hand and a listening ear whenever I needed it most. What would I do without you? I hope I never have to find out. 

  6. From the moment we met, I knew there was something special about our connection. We share a vision for the future, a desire to build a life together filled with love, laughter, and adventure. It’s one of the many reasons why I love you more than any words can say, but boy, I’ll never stop trying. Love, [Your Name]

  7. One of the many reasons why I love you is your ability to love me exactly as I am, flaws and all. You see me for who I truly am, and you love me without judgment or reservation. You love me for exactly who I am, and I love you exactly the way you are. What a pair we are. Love, [Your Name]. 

  8. I don’t think I will ever run out of reasons why I love you. One of the many has to be the way you make me feel so special, even after all this time. From the little gestures that brighten my day to the grand gestures that take my breath away, you always know how to make me feel special. Whether it's remembering my favorite flowers or surprising me with a thoughtful gift, your thoughtfulness never fails to touch my heart. I’m forever grateful for you my love, [Your Name]. 

  9. Dear [His Name], I wanted to take a moment to express why I love you. One of the things that I admire most about you is your patience and understanding. You have a way of calming my fears and soothing my worries with your gentle presence. Your patience and understanding have taught me the true meaning of love, and it's just one of the many reasons why I love you more than words can say.

  10. Together, we have faced challenges, overcome obstacles, and celebrated victories as a team. Your unwavering support and encouragement have helped me become the best version of myself, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Knowing that you believe in me is enough to soothe my darkest days. You are my light my love, I adore you. Love, [Your Name]. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should I include a gift with my love letter?

    Love letters can be a lovely accompaniment to a Valentine’s gift or birthday present, but often, the letter can be a gift in itself. While flowers wilt or chocolates are eaten, the words of a love letter can play on an endless loop in your mind. Love letters can leave your partner feeling appreciated, respected, and cherished — now that sounds pretty priceless to us.
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