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110 deep (and fun!) questions to ask your husband

Do you really know everything about your husband? Ask these questions to find out even more about your relationship!
on September 18, 2024
Read time: 10 mins

We know what you're thinking: 'I've been married for years. I know everything there is to know about my husband.' But do you really? Can you confidently say you know his deepest fears, his wildest dreams, or his opinion on the great pineapple-on-pizza debate?

With some of our most-loved Paired questions tucked in, we think this ultimate list of questions to ask your husband will spark the kind of meaningful conversations you’ve been dreaming about. 

Don’t worry, they aren’t all super serious but we hope they touch on topics and spark conversations you might not have thought of! 

What are you waiting for? Dive into our list of the best questions to ask your husband and enjoy a stronger relationship as a result. 

What are good questions to ask your husband?

You may think you know everything about your husband… You did marry him after all. 

However, at Paired, we believe there is always more to learn about your significant other. It’s just about asking the right questions and sparking meaningful conversations that positively impact your relationship. 

Our vision is a world where every couple can stay in love long-term—with the Paired app being there every step to help couples along their relationship journey. 

Paired creates a fun, safe space for couples already in love to explore their relationship, get to know one another in new ways, and ultimately get even closer. With daily expert-backed conversation starters and advice, couples can foster healthy communication—building the key relationship skills essential to emotional connection. 

What are some fun questions for married couples?

So, what’s the secret to sparking these conversations? 

It’s about trading in small talk for those open-ended questions, so you can get to know your loved one on a deeper level with every single question. With our bumper list, it looks like one of those romantic ‘talking all night’ dates is on the cards… 

Popular Paired questions to ask your husband 

  1. What do you remember about the first time you met?

  2. What would be your dream travel destination to go to together?

  3. Can you name your partner’s favorite song?

  4. Name two things you are grateful for about your partner. 

  5. When you eat dinner together, how can you make that special for you both?

  6. What's one thing your partner did for you this week that made you feel appreciated?

  7. Can you name a country your partner wants to visit?

  8. What makes you feel like you're really a team?

  9. What's one belief that you and your partner share?

  10. How do you help each other handle difficult emotions?

  11. What's one way that you depend on your partner each day?

  12. Tell your partner one physical attribute you like about them. 

  13. What are some ways that you could create more intentional time together?

  14. What's your favorite place to be together?

  15. What’s your favorite non-physical quality about your partner?

  16. Which one area of your marriage would you most like to work on?

  17. What are two of your biggest strengths as a couple?

  18. What's something your partner considers themselves to be naturally talented at?

  19. What's your favorite way to receive affection?

  20. List two things about your relationship that you are most proud of

  21. What's your favorite date that you ever had?

  22. What's a need you have in your relationship right now?

  23. If you had to choose a single photo to summarize your partner to a stranger, which one would you choose?

  24. What's your favorite time of day to be intimate?

  25. What's one similarity between you that you love?

  26. What's one difference between you that you love?

  27. What's one time when your partner was very supportive of you?

  28. Which of your past dates would you most want to recreate?

  29. What’s one thing you think makes your relationship unique?

  30. Can you name your partner’s favorite book?

Questions to ask your future husband

  1. Would you rather both work or one of us give up our job to mind the children? 

  2. How do you prefer to split up household chores? 

  3. What are your thoughts on managing finances as a married couple?

  4. How important is religion or spirituality in our future family life?

  5. Where do you see us living in the next five years?

  6. How many children do you envision having, if any?

  7. What role do you expect our extended families to play in our lives?

  8. How do you handle stress, and how can I support you during difficult times?

  9. What are your career aspirations, and how can we support each other's professional goals?

  10. Do you think date nights are important in a marriage? 

  11. What kind of parenting styles do you see yourself adopting? 

  12. How do you feel about saving for retirement and long-term financial planning?

  13. What are your feelings on healthy conflict resolution in a marriage? 

  14. Do you see our sex life changing in any way when we become a married couple? 

  15. How do you think we can maintain our individuality in our marriage? 

  16. What's your stance on joint vs. separate bank accounts?

  17. How do you feel about relocating for career opportunities?

  18. What are your expectations regarding personal space and alone time in marriage?

  19. What are your thoughts on prenuptial agreements?

  20. How do you envision caring for our parents as they age?

Fun questions to ask your husband

  1. How would you describe your perfect date night? 

  2. What’s your favorite memory from our wedding day? 

  3. Describe your perfect day. 

  4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

  5. Do you have a travel bucket list for us? 

  6. Who was your first celebrity crush? 

  7. If we were a superhero duo, what would our powers be?

  8. What's the most embarrassing thing you've done that you haven't told me about yet?

  9. If we could switch bodies for a day, what would you do first?

  10. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had about me?

  11. If you could instantly become an expert in one skill, what would it be?

  12. What's the most adventurous thing you'd like us to try together?

  13. If our love story was a book, what would the title be?

  14. What's the silliest argument we've ever had?

  15. If we had a time machine, which era would you want us to visit together?

  16. What karaoke duet would you see us performing together? 

  17. Pick your favorite movie that you would like our relationship to reflect. 

  18. Have you ever bragged about me to your friends? What did you say? 

  19. How do you feel about having cute nicknames for each other? 

  20. What reality TV show do you think we’d be great on? 

Deep questions to ask your husband

  1. Do you think your partner should also be your best friend? 

  2. What’s your biggest fear about getting older? 

  3. What is your favorite childhood memory that you would like to recreate for our kids? 

  4. Do you have any fears or insecurities about our future together? 

  5. When was the last time you cried? How would you like to be supported in these moments? 

  6. How has your perception of love and marriage changed since we've been together?

  7. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge we've overcome as a couple?

  8. In what ways do you think we've helped each other grow as individuals?

  9. What legacy do you want to leave behind, both as an individual and as part of our family?

  10. How do you define success in life, and do you feel we're on the right path?

  11. What's a personal goal you have that you haven't shared with me before?

  12. How do you think our relationship has affected your relationship with your parents?

  13. What do you think is the key to maintaining a strong, lasting marriage?

  14. When you met me, did you see our future together? 

  15. What do you think is the most meaningful conversation we’ve had in our relationship? 

  16. How has your definition of love evolved throughout our relationship?

  17. What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about marriage?

  18. In what ways do you think we complement each other's strengths and weaknesses?

  19. How do you envision our roles changing as we grow older together?

  20. How do you think we can best support each other's mental and emotional health?

  21. What do you believe is the most important value to instill in our children?

  22. How do you think technology and social media impact our relationship?

  23. What do you think is the biggest sacrifice you've made for our relationship?

  24. What do you believe is the most important lesson you've learned from our relationship?

  25. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing marriages today?

Sexy questions to ask your husband 

  1. What’s your favorite thing about our sex life? 

  2. What’s your favorite memory from our sex life? 

  3. If you could have a sexual superpower, what would it be? 

  4. What's one fantasy you've always wanted to explore with me?

  5. Is there something new you'd like to try in the bedroom?

  6. What's the sexiest non-physical trait you find attractive in me?

  7. How can we keep the spark alive in our long-term relationship?

  8. What's your favorite part of my body and why?

  9. How important is physical intimacy to you in our relationship?

  10. What’s a small thing I do that really turns you on? 

  11. What's your favorite form of foreplay?

  12. Is there a particular scent that you find arousing on me?

  13. How do you feel about spontaneous intimacy versus planned encounters?

  14. What's your ideal frequency of sexual activity in our relationship?

  15. What's your favorite way to build sexual tension throughout the day?

Good questions to ask your husband 

  1. What’s your favorite thing about married life so far? 

  2. What do you appreciate most about our relationship? 

  3. How do you feel about asking intimate questions in our relationship? Can we improve in this area? 

  4. How do you feel about the role of porn use in our relationship? 

  5. What’s on your bucket list for our relationship? 

  6. How do you envision us celebrating our milestones and anniversaries?

  7. What's a new skill or hobby you'd like us to learn together?

  8. How do you think we can improve our communication as a couple?

  9. What's one thing you'd like to change about how we handle conflicts?

  10. How do you feel about the balance between our individual lives and our lives as a couple?

  11. What's a tradition from your family that you'd like to continue in ours?

  12. How can we make sure we're growing together rather than growing apart?

  13. What’s your favorite personality trait that you have? 

  14. Are there any habits or family rituals you’d like to introduce into our relationship? 

  15. What’s one thing that always makes you smile when you think of us? 

  16. How do you think we can best support each other during major life transitions?

  17. How do you think we can better support each other's dreams and ambitions?

  18. What's one area of our relationship where you think we excel?

  19. How do you think we can better support each other during stressful times?

  20. What's one new experience you'd like us to share in the coming year?

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