300 How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Every Couple

What are some good questions to test how well you know someone?
on May 29, 2024
Read time: 10 mins

Have you ever looked at your partner and thought, ‘How well do you really know me?’

To see if they’ve been paying attention, it can be fun to have a few how well do you know me questions tucked up your sleeve! You just need to be prepared to answer them in return…

After all, building a relationship that lasts is all about asking the right questions, and getting to know your partner on a deeper level every day. This is where the Paired app’s wealth of conversations comes in handy, as you both work on building your connection and strengthening your bond. 

If you’re looking for a more in-person quiz round, full of deep questions, romantic inquiries, and wacky facts, this How Well Do You Know Me quiz is a great way to test your knowledge of your partner and see if you’re truly compatible! 

What are the best questions to ask when you’re playing the couple's game? 

When embarking on this fun quiz game, it’s important to consider the kind of questions you will be asking! 

Throughout relationships, every couple leaves hints about various aspects of their lives, and may even tell in-depth stories about their past — but how much does your partner remember? 

While we all remember the key milestones of our relationship, what about those daily details? You might think they’ve been paying attention, but a few quick quiz rounds might cause them to brush up on the facts! 

Is playing ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ good for your relationship? 

Any activity that allows you both to focus on your connection is a big YES from us! 

Even if your partner doesn’t get every single answer right, it’s a fun opportunity to delve into the past and reveal more about yourself. So don’t be too offended if they don’t get the highest score, consider it as a learning curve!

What are the best ‘how well do you know me’ questions for couples? 

Right, it’s time to get down to business! 

Brush up on your facts and learn more about your significant other with these carefully curated questions, featuring everything from favorites to fantasies. 

If you want to turn it into a variation of the Newlywed Game (no matter your marital status), make sure you keep score! 

General how well do you know me question for a warm-up round

  1. Who is my best friend and how long have we known each other?

  2. Do I believe in zodiacs and star signs?

  3. Do I support any sports team?

  4. How did I meet my best friend?

  5. Am I more of a morning person or a night owl?

  6. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life, what would it be?

  7. Who is my greatest role model?

  8. Am I more of an introvert or an extrovert?

  9. Growing up, who was my closest friend?

  10. What is my zodiac sign?

  11. How many best friends do I have?

  12. What is my favorite place to go for our date night?

  13. What’s my favorite TV show?

  14. Do I have a favorite sport? Am I any good at playing it myself?

  15. What was my favorite part of our first date?

  16. Who is my favorite actor or actress?

  17. What was my favorite subject in high school?

  18. Am I allergic to anything?

  19. What is my favorite movie?

  20. Did I have a high school crush?

  21. What’s my least favorite season of the year?

  22. Describe my dream date night, with no budget or limits!

  23. Do I have a favorite band?

  24. What was the first band or artist I ever went to see live?

  25. What is my current favorite song?

  26. Did I play any sports in high school? If so which ones?

  27. Who was my favorite teacher in school?

  28. What is my favorite food?

  29. Describe my ideal weekend - no details spared!

  30. What’s my least favorite chore to do around the house?

  31. Am I a dog or cat person?

  32. What’s my favorite childhood memory?

  33. What is my favorite song to sing in the shower?

  34. What’s my favorite flavor of ice cream?

  35. Do I prefer sweet or savory breakfasts?

  36. What’s my go-to snack at the movies?

  37. What’s my favorite guilty pleasure TV show or movie?

  38. What’s my favorite childhood toy or game?

  39. Do I prefer baths or showers?

  40. How do I like my eggs cooked for breakfast?

  41. What’s the most unusual job I’ve ever had?

  42. What’s my favorite type of puzzle or brain teaser?

  43. What’s my favorite way to spend a rainy day?

  44. What was the name of my elementary school?

  45. What’s my favorite animal, and why?

  46. What was the name of my first pet?

  47. Can you describe my childhood home?

  48. What was my favorite TV show as a child?

  49. What is my favorite restaurant for comfort food?

  50. What’s my favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

  51. Do I prefer coffee or tea in the morning?

  52. What’s my dream travel destination?

  53. What’s my favorite genre of music?

  54. What’s my favorite book?

  55. What is my favorite color?

  56. What’s my favorite thing about our family?

  57. What’s my favorite piece of technology that I own?

  58. What was my first job? Was I any good at it?

  59. What’s my biggest pet peeve?

  60. What is my comfort book to re-read over and over?

  61. Can you name everything on my bucket list?

  62. What’s my favorite season of the year?

  63. What’s my favorite season to dress for?

  64. What is my favorite fancy restaurant for a special occasion?

  65. What’s my favorite hobby or pastime?

  66. Do I enjoy cooking, and what’s my best dish?

  67. What’s my favorite outdoor activity?

  68. What’s my favorite guilty pleasure TV show or movie?

  69. What’s my favorite cocktail or non-alcoholic beverage?

  70. What’s my favorite home-cooked meal?

  71. What’s my favorite type of workout or physical activity?

  72. What’s my favorite way to spend time outdoors?

  73. What is my current favorite song?

  74. Do I prefer ice cream or frozen yogurt?

  75. What’s my favorite way to spend a long weekend or vacation?

  76. What’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited?

  77. What’s my favorite type of weather, and why?

  78. Do I prefer museums or outdoor parks?

  79. What’s my favorite piece of art or creative expression?

  80. What’s my favorite way to celebrate New Year's Eve?

Funny how well do you know me questions to get you laughing 

  1. What is my worst dating faux pas?

  2. What is my go-to icebreaker for work calls or social events?

  3. Did I have an imaginary friend? What was their name?

  4. What is my go-to karaoke song?

  5. What is my most embarrassing moment?

  6. What video games did I love as a child?

  7. What is the worst date I have ever been on?

  8. Who’s my secret celebrity crush? And is it different from the crush I tell people about?

  9. Which friend would I drop everything to go and help if they asked me?

  10. What was my senior prank in high school?

  11. Which of my friends is the biggest gossip?

  12. Would you rather have sprinkles or syrup on my ice cream?

  13. When was the last time I cried over something silly?

  14. Am I afraid of heights or spiders?

  15. How do I feel about pineapple on pizza?

  16. Do I have any odd or unusual talents?

  17. What’s my signature dance move?

  18. What’s my zaniest or most irrational fear?

  19. How do I feel about roller coasters?

  20. What’s the most extravagant thing I’ve ever bought?

  21. What’s the most ridiculous outfit I’ve ever worn?

  22. Have I ever walked into something or tripped embarrassingly?

  23. What’s my most memorable cooking disaster?

  24. What’s the funniest joke I’ve ever told you?

  25. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be?

  26. What’s the silliest nickname I’ve ever had?

  27. What’s the most awkward thing I’ve said on a date?

  28. Have I ever done something embarrassing in front of a large crowd?

  29. What’s the funniest thing I believed as a child?

  30. What’s the most unusual thing I’ve ever eaten?

  31. What’s my weirdest habit?

  32. If I could be any fictional character for a day, who would I choose?

  33. What’s the funniest movie or TV show that always makes me laugh?

  34. What’s the most ridiculous dare I’ve ever accepted?

  35. Have I ever made a funny face or noise in my sleep?

  36. What’s the most bizarre dream I’ve ever had?

  37. What’s the funniest thing I’ve ever done while under the influence of caffeine or lack of sleep?

  38. What’s the most comical thing that has ever happened to me at work?

  39. What’s the silliest way I’ve ever injured myself?

  40. If I could prank anyone, who would it be and how?

  41. What’s the funniest photo of me that exists?

  42. What’s the most hilarious miscommunication we’ve ever had?

  43. What’s the funniest excuse I’ve ever given for being late?

  44. Have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? What was it?

  45. What’s the most ridiculous trend I’ve ever followed?

  46. What’s the funniest thing I’ve done to impress someone?

  47. What’s the goofiest thing I’ve done in public without realizing it?

  48. Have I ever made a funny sound while sneezing or hiccuping?

  49. What’s the most absurd goal I’ve ever set for myself?

  50. What’s the funniest voice or accent I can imitate?

Deep how well do you know questions to see if they’ve been listening

  1. What is my biggest regret?

  2. Do I have any birthmarks? If so, what are they?

  3. Which family member did I always squabble with as a child?

  4. What family member am I closest to?

  5. If I could bring one loved one back to life one day, who would I choose?

  6. What personal questions do I always shy away from?

  7. When was the last time I got out of my comfort zone?

  8. How do I feel about lending money to friends or family?

  9. How do I typically handle stress or frustration?

  10. What qualities do I value most in friends?

  11. What’s my biggest fear?

  12. What’s a goal I’m currently working towards?

  13. Who in my family do I talk to most frequently?

  14. What’s my favorite way to spend time with you?

  15. How do I feel about social media and online connections?

  16. What’s my philosophy on money and finances?

  17. What’s my ideal way to relax after a hard day?

  18. What do I like most about my current job?

  19. What was my dream job as a child?

  20. How do I usually handle work-related stress?

  21. What’s something I’d like to learn or achieve in the next year?

  22. How do I usually express love or affection?

  23. What’s the most courageous thing I’ve ever done?

  24. What’s my favorite piece of art or creative expression?

  25. How do I feel about aging and growing older?

  26. How do I handle grief or loss?

  27. Have I ever lived with a significant other before?

  28. What’s the most adventurous thing I’ve ever done?

  29. What’s my favorite way to surprise you?

  30. What’s the most romantic thing I’ve done for you?

  31. How do I feel about long-term commitment and plans for the future?

  32. What’s a romantic tradition we have?

  33. What’s my go-to way to unwind and de-stress?

  34. What’s the most meaningful gift I’ve ever received?

  35. What’s the best way to cheer me up after a tough day?

  36. What’s the most memorable trip we’ve taken together?

  37. Am I more of an introvert or an extrovert?

  38. What’s a subject I could talk about for hours?

  39. What’s the most meaningful compliment I’ve ever received?

  40. What’s the one thing about myself that I’m most proud of?

  41. What’s the biggest challenge I’ve faced in my career?

  42. What’s the most meaningful gift I’ve ever given?

  43. What’s my attitude toward education and lifelong learning?

  44. How do I usually approach resolving conflicts with friends or loved ones?

  45. What’s the biggest risk I’ve ever taken?

  46. What’s my most cherished keepsake or memento?

  47. How do I feel about environmental issues and sustainability?

  48. Who has been my mentor or biggest influence professionally?

  49. What’s my favorite way to celebrate anniversaries?

  50. Which city or country do I dream of visiting one day?

  51. What’s my preferred method of communication: text, call, or face-to-face?

  52. How do I feel about meeting new people?

  53. How do I typically celebrate my birthday?

  54. What’s the story behind how we first met?

  55. How do I feel about social media and online connections?

  56. How do I usually handle money in our relationship?

  57. How do I feel about technological advancements and modern innovations?

  58. What’s my favorite form of self-care or pampering?

  59. What was my impression of your family the first time I met them?

  60. What makes me feel most fulfilled?

  61. Do I prefer city life or country living?

  62. How do I feel about participating in team sports or group activities?

  63. What family traditions do I cherish most?

  64. How do I usually celebrate my friends' successes?

  65. Who was my childhood hero or role model?

  66. What’s the most romantic thing I’ve done for you?

  67. If I could have dinner with any three people from history, who would I choose?

  68. What’s my philosophy on work-life balance, and how do I try to achieve it?

  69. What’s the last hobby I picked up?

  70. What’s the most important lesson I want to pass on to future generations?

  71. What’s the legacy I hope to leave behind?

  72. What’s my biggest financial goal?

  73. How do I feel about public speaking or performing in front of others?

  74. How do I feel about political engagement and activism?

  75. What’s my favorite childhood toy or game?

  76. What’s the most meaningful act of kindness I’ve ever received?

  77. How do I feel about traditional gender roles and expectations?

  78. What’s the most difficult obstacle I’ve overcome?

  79. What’s the most difficult lesson I’ve learned in life?

  80. How do I feel about friendships and maintaining social connections?

  81. What’s my favorite way to honor or remember loved ones who have passed?

  82. What’s the most rewarding part of my current job or career?

  83. How do I feel about medical or health-related issues?

  84. How do I feel about pets and animal companionship?

  85. What’s my preferred way to celebrate personal achievements?

  86. What’s my biggest insecurity?

  87. What’s the most valuable lesson I’ve learned from a past relationship?

  88. How do I feel about forgiveness and second chances?

  89. What’s my favorite memory with a family member?

  90. What’s the most significant change I’ve made in my life recently?

  91. How do I feel about cultural or religious traditions?

  92. What’s my stance on work-life balance and how do I try to achieve it?

  93. What’s my favorite memory from our time together?

  94. What’s the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make?

  95. How do I approach setting and achieving my personal goals?

  96. What’s my view on the importance of mental health?

  97. How do I prefer to handle conflict or disagreements in our relationship?

  98. What’s my biggest dream or aspiration in life?

  99. How do I like to spend my alone time?

  100. What’s the most inspiring book or movie that has influenced my life?

Spicy how well do you know me questions

  1. Did I like you straight away on our first date, or was I more of a slow burner?

  2. What’s my favorite thing about you? Both personality and physical features!

  3. Who was my teenage celebrity crush?

  4. What do I find most attractive about you?

  5. What’s our song?

  6. How do I feel about public displays of affection?

  7. How would I describe our first kiss?

  8. What do I love most about our relationship?

  9. What’s my favorite way to show you that I love you?

  10. What’s my favorite part of your body?

  11. What’s the most romantic thing we’ve ever done together?

  12. What’s my favorite type of lingerie (or boxers) on you?

  13. What’s the naughtiest thing we’ve done together?

  14. What’s the sexiest outfit I’ve ever worn?

  15. How do I like to be kissed?

  16. What’s my biggest turn-on?

  17. What’s my biggest turn-off?

  18. What’s my favorite place to be touched?

  19. Do I prefer cuddling or kissing?

  20. What’s my favorite romantic movie scene?

  21. What’s the most adventurous place we’ve ever been intimate?

  22. What’s a fantasy I’ve shared with you?

  23. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever given me?

  24. How do I like to be surprised romantically?

  25. What’s my favorite scent on you?

  26. What’s my favorite type of date night?

  27. How do I feel about spontaneous romantic gestures?

  28. What’s my favorite song to make love to?

  29. What’s my favorite romantic getaway destination?

  30. How do I feel about role-playing?

  31. What’s my favorite kind of foreplay?

  32. How do I feel about talking dirty?

  33. What’s the most intimate moment we’ve shared?

  34. What’s my favorite way to relax after a passionate night?

  35. How do I feel about experimenting with new things in our relationship?

  36. What’s my favorite way to be pampered?

  37. What’s the most surprising thing I’ve ever done for you?

  38. How do I feel about romantic massages?

  39. What’s my favorite time of day for romance?

  40. What’s my favorite love song?

  41. What’s my favorite type of kiss?

  42. What’s the most seductive thing I’ve ever done for you?

  43. What’s my favorite place to make love?

  44. What’s the sexiest dream I’ve ever told you about?

  45. What’s my favorite type of lingerie or sleepwear?

  46. How do I feel about sending flirty texts or messages?

  47. What’s my favorite naughty memory of us?

  48. What’s the most romantic gift I’ve given you?

  49. How do I like to be teased?

  50. What’s my favorite kind of massage?

  51. What’s the most romantic surprise you’ve ever planned for me?

  52. What’s the most intimate conversation we’ve had?

  53. What’s my favorite part of our foreplay?

  54. How do I feel about sexy role-playing games?

  55. What’s my favorite place to kiss you?

  56. What’s the most daring thing I’ve suggested we try together?

  57. How do I feel about love letters or notes?

  58. What’s my favorite kind of romantic getaway?

  59. What’s my favorite type of intimate talk?

  60. How do I like to set the mood for romance?

  61. What’s my favorite way to be woken up?

  62. What’s the most passionate kiss we’ve shared?

  63. How do I feel about trying new things in the bedroom?

  64. What’s my favorite way to be held?

  65. How do I react when you compliment me in an intimate way?

  66. What’s the most romantic song that reminds me of you?

  67. What’s my favorite sexy accessory?

  68. How do I feel about intimate photos or videos?

  69. What’s the most romantic meal we’ve shared?

  70. What’s my favorite way to end a romantic evening?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are some good get-to-know-me questions?

    When you’re in a new relationship, getting to know everything about one another is such an exciting chapter! But how do you even know what questions to ask? Beyond the basics, the Paired app is the perfect place to spark meaningful conversations and learn everything you need to know about your partner.
  • What to ask to get to know someone?

    Asking the basic questions about their name, age, and hometown isn’t a whole lot of fun… But when you want to get to know someone better, there’s so much to discover — it can be overwhelming! Instead of sitting someone down and quizzing them, every conversation will unlock a new aspect of their personality. After all, there’s always more to learn.
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