222 Best Questions to Ask Your Crush

What are good flirty questions?
on November 16, 2023
Read time: 10 mins

Having a crush on someone can be incredible, but it can also be totally nerve-wracking! With nerves involved, flirty banter can turn awkward fast if you don’t watch it!

That’s why it's important to have some questions to ask your crush on hand, so no awkward silences can rob you of your chance at love! 

From romantic questions to quirky icebreakers, these questions will inspire meaningful conversations that will make your crush take notice!

What are some good questions to ask your crush? 

Crushing on someone is an exhilarating and exciting experience, but sometimes the butterflies can block up your thoughts — making it hard to string a sentence together!

When those jitters strike, it’s good to have a list of questions or conversation starters up your sleeve to break the ice and get the convo flowing! We’ve compiled a range of interesting questions that you can ask your crush (whether over text or in person) that will help you get over your nerves, and maybe even get under them… (!!) 

Good questions to ask your crush 

  1. What's the most interesting thing you've read or seen this week?

  2. How do you usually spend your weekends?

  3. What's your favorite family tradition?

  4. If you could live in any era, which one would you choose?

  5. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

  6. Who in your life has influenced you the most?

  7. What's your favorite childhood memory?

  8. If you could only keep three apps on your phone, which would you choose?

  9. What's something you're really passionate about lately?

  10. What's the best part of your day, usually?

  11. If you could swap lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?

  12. What's your favorite way to unwind after a stressful day?

  13. What's a place you've always wanted to visit but haven't yet?

  14. What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from your past relationships?

  15. What's something you're terrible at but wish you could do well?

  16. What's your favorite thing to do outdoors?

  17. If you could have any famous person as your best friend, who would it be?

  18. What's something you've always wanted to learn or try?

  19. Do you have a favorite local spot you love to visit?

  20. What's a song that you can listen to on repeat?

  21. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?

  22. What's the most memorable gift you've ever received?

  23. Are you a dog or a cat person? 

  24. What's a movie that always makes you laugh?

  25. If you could invite any three people to dinner, dead or alive, who would they be?

  26. What's something you thought you'd grow out of but haven't?

  27. If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?

  28. What's your idea of a perfect morning?

  29. What's your favorite thing about yourself?

  30. If you could witness any historical event, what would it be?

  31. Do you prefer big parties or small gatherings?

  32. What's the most challenging thing you've ever done?

  33. What's something you've always wanted to tell me, but haven't?

  34. What's a hobby or activity you want to get better at?

  35. What's the best advice you've ever been given?

  36. What's something you find really relaxing?

  37. Do you have a favorite quote or saying?

  38. What's something you're grateful for today?

  39. What's your favorite comfort food?

  40. What's a goal you have for the next year?

  41. What's your favorite season, and why?

  42. Do you have any superstitions?

  43. What's your favorite childhood cartoon?

  44. What's something you can't go a day without doing?

  45. What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?

  46. What's a talent you wish you had?

  47. What's your favorite type of music to listen to?

  48. What's something that always cheers you up when you're down?

  49. If you could be famous for one thing, what would you want it to be?

  50. What's something that most people don't know about you?

  51. What’s been your most embarrassing moment in an intimate relationship? 

  52. What do you think are important aspects of a serious relationship? 

  53. What are your biggest pet peeves? 

  54. When was the last time you felt inspired to be creative? 

  55. What are your relationship red flags? 

  56. What’s the worst thing about dating today? 

Flirty questions to ask your crush 

  1. What's something you always find irresistibly attractive?

  2. If you could describe your ideal date, what would it look like?

  3. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

  4. What's a romantic movie scene you'd like to recreate in real life?

  5. If we were stranded on a deserted island, do you think we'd get along?

  6. What's your idea of the perfect way to spend a weekend?

  7. What's the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?

  8. What are three things that always make you smile?

  9. If you could travel anywhere for a date, where would it be?

  10. What's your favorite way to receive affection?

  11. Are you a fan of grand romantic gestures or small, daily acts of love?

  12. What's something you find really attractive in a person that others might not notice?

  13. If we were in a movie together, would it be a comedy, action, or romance?

  14. What's a song that always makes you think of love or romance?

  15. What's the best pick-up line you've ever heard?

  16. If you could have any superpower to impress your date, what would it be?

  17. Do you prefer cuddling up or going on adventures together?

  18. What's a trait you find really charming?

  19. If you could relive one day again exactly as it was, which day would it be and why?

  20. What's the funniest or most embarrassing thing that's happened to you on a date?

  21. What's a secret talent you have that not many people know about?

  22. What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?

  23. Do you think we'd do something fun if we hung out this weekend?

  24. What's something you're passionate about that you'd love to share with someone special?

  25. If you could be a character in your favorite book, who would it be? 

  26. What's your favorite memory from childhood that you cherish?

  27. What's a dream you've had that you still think about?

  28. If we were to dance together, what song would you choose?

  29. What's the most adventurous thing you want to try on a date?

  30. Do you believe in fate or making your own destiny?

  31. What's something you wish more people knew about you?

  32. If you could ask me one thing and I had to answer truthfully, what would you ask?

  33. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

  34. If we could teleport anywhere right now, where would you want to go?

  35. What's your idea of a perfect date? 

  36. Do you think you're a good judge of character? What's your first impression of me?

  37. What's the most daring thing you've ever done to get someone's attention?

  38. If we were making a bucket list for us, what would be at the top of the list?

  39. What's a habit or quirk you have that you think is endearing?

  40. If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?

  41. What's the sweetest thing you've ever done for someone you liked?

  42. What's a topic you could talk about for hours?

  43. How old did you get your first kiss? 

  44. What’s your guilty pleasure when it comes to s**y time? 

  45. What's a place you've always wanted to visit but haven't yet?

  46. What's the most important quality you look for in another person?

  47. Do you have a favorite quote or saying that inspires your life?

  48. If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?

  49. What's the craziest thing you've ever taken for love?

  50. What's a small thing that can always make your day better?

  51. If we were in a food fight, what would be your weapon of choice?

  52. How important do you think it is to be a good kisser? 

  53. Who’s your celebrity crush and who was your childhood crush? 

  54. What’s your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling low?

  55. Who do you think should make the first move in a relationship? 

  56. What do you think my love language is?  

  57. What are your biggest turn-ons? 

  58. What’s your sexiest date night idea? 

  59. What was your first time like? 

Deep questions to ask your crush

  1. What life experiences have shaped you the most?

  2. What do you think is the meaning of life?

  3. What are your biggest fears and hopes?

  4. What is your most cherished memory?

  5. How do you define love?

  6. What's the hardest decision you've ever had to make?

  7. What do you value most in a relationship?

  8. What lessons have your past relationships taught you?

  9. What are your aspirations for the future?

  10. What does your perfect day look like?

  11. What are your non-negotiable values or principles?

  12. How do you deal with difficult situations?

  13. What's something you've never told anyone?

  14. What's your perspective on forgiveness?

  15. How do you find peace or solace in tough times?

  16. What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

  17. How do you define success and happiness?

  18. What's something you wish you could change about the world?

  19. What are the qualities you admire most in others?

  20. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements?

  21. What's a dream you're hesitant to pursue and why?

  22. What's your perspective on fate and destiny?

  23. What are your thoughts on spirituality or religion?

  24. How do you feel about the concept of soulmates?

  25. What's something you've struggled with in life?

  26. What's a belief you hold that many might disagree with?

  27. What makes you feel truly alive?

  28. What's the best advice you've ever received?

  29. How do you want to be remembered?

  30. What's a personal challenge you're currently facing?

  31. What does self-care look like for you?

  32. What's something that excites you about the future?

  33. How do you deal with uncertainty or the unknown?

  34. What's your stance on vulnerability in relationships?

  35. How has your upbringing influenced who you are today?

  36. What's a book or movie that profoundly affected you?

  37. What are your thoughts on commitment in relationships?

  38. How do you express and receive love?

  39. What’s your biggest regret in life? 

  40. What are your thoughts on work-life balance?

  41. What's a fear you've overcome, and how did you do it?

  42. How do you approach personal growth and development?

  43. What's your most significant achievement so far?

  44. How do you manage stress or anxiety?

  45. What’s your favorite place to go to when you’re feeling down? 

  46. What's a moment in life that changed your perspective?

  47. How do you handle disappointment or setbacks?

  48. What's something you're currently curious about or learning?

  49. How do you nurture your mental and emotional well-being?

  50. What are your views on money and financial security?

  51. What does a meaningful life look like to you?

  52. What’s something you see as being a relationship dealbreaker? 

  53. What was your first impression of me on our first date? 

  54. How did your last relationship end? 

  55. What’s the best gift you’ve ever reviewed and who was it from? 

  56. What are your thoughts on monogamy? 

Questions to ask your crush while texting 

  1. What's your go-to song when you're in a good mood?

  2. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  3. What's your favorite emoji and why?

  4. Do you have any secret talents?

  5. What's the last book you read that you really enjoyed?

  6. If you could be any animal for a day, which would you choose?

  7. What's your favorite memory from school?

  8. What movie could you watch over and over again?

  9. What's your dream vacation destination?

  10. Do you have any pet peeves?

  11. What's the best joke you've ever heard?

  12. What's one thing on your bucket list?

  13. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?

  14. Do you have a favorite quote or mantra you live by?

  15. What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

  16. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

  17. What's your favorite season and why?

  18. Do you have a favorite local restaurant or café?

  19. What's a skill you'd like to learn?

  20. What's something you're looking forward to in the next week?

  21. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be?

  22. What's the best advice you've ever received?

  23. Do you prefer texting or calling?

  24. What's your idea of a perfect day?

  25. What's a subject you wish you knew more about?

  26. Do you believe in ghosts or the supernatural?

  27. What's your favorite way to relax after a long day?

  28. Do you have a favorite childhood TV show?

  29. What's the most interesting place you've ever visited?

  30. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

  31. What's the funniest thing that's happened to you recently?

  32. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

  33. What's a song that always puts you in a good mood?

  34. What's the best meal you've ever had?

  35. Do you have any hobbies you're really passionate about?

  36. What's something you're proud of yourself for?

  37. What's your favorite type of weather?

  38. Do you have any hidden talents?

  39. What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?

  40. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

  41. What's your favorite type of cuisine?

  42. What's the most interesting thing you learned this week?

  43. Do you have any favorite traditions?

  44. What's the best concert you've ever attended?

  45. What's something that always makes you laugh?

  46. Do you like to cook? If so, what's your best dish?

  47. What's your favorite board game or video game?

  48. What's a movie you disliked that everyone else seemed to love?

  49. What's your favorite thing about your city or town?

  50. What's the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

  51. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been? 

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